
Pigeon Island National Park

Explore the Breathtaking Marine Life of Pigeon Island National Park

Pigeon Island National Park: Sri Lanka’s Aquatic Jewel

Pigeon Island National Park

Island Paradise: Discovering the Beauty of Pigeon Island

Pigeon Island National Park


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Pigeon Island?

Pigeon Island is a marine national park located off the coast of Nilaveli in Sri Lanka, known for its coral reefs, diverse marine life, and pristine beaches.

How do I get to Pigeon Island?

To reach Pigeon Island, visitors typically take a boat from Nilaveli Beach. Boat services are available, and the journey is a short and scenic ride.

Is there an entrance fee for Pigeon Island?

Yes, there is an entrance fee to access Pigeon Island. The fees may vary for international tourists, locals, and SAARC country nationals. It's advisable to check the current rates before planning your visit.

Can I bring my own snorkeling gear?

Yes, you can bring your own snorkeling gear. However, if you don't have your own equipment, snorkeling gear is often available for rent on the island or from nearby service providers.

Are there restrictions on snorkeling or diving?

While snorkeling and diving are popular activities, it's essential to follow safety guidelines and any restrictions imposed by park authorities. Some areas may be off-limits for conservation purposes.

What marine life can I expect to see while snorkeling?

Pigeon Island is home to a diverse range of marine life, including colorful reef fish, sea turtles, and various types of coral. Depending on the season, you may also spot reef sharks and other fascinating creatures.

Are there guided tours available on Pigeon Island?

Yes, guided tours are often available, and they can enhance your experience by providing insights into the marine biodiversity, coral conservation efforts, and the history of the island.

Can I bring food and drinks to Pigeon Island?

Visitors are usually not allowed to bring food to the island to prevent littering. It's advisable to check with local authorities or tour operators for specific rules regarding food and drinks.

Is there a limit on the number of visitors to Pigeon Island?

To preserve the delicate marine ecosystem, there may be a limit on the number of visitors allowed on the island at any given time. It's recommended to check and plan accordingly.

What is the best time to visit Pigeon Island?

The best time to visit Pigeon Island is during the dry season, typically from May to September, when the sea is calmer and visibility for snorkeling is at its best.

Are there facilities on Pigeon Island, such as restrooms or changing rooms?

Pigeon Island may have basic facilities such as restrooms and changing rooms. However, it's a good idea to be prepared and check for the availability of facilities before your visit.

Is Pigeon Island suitable for non-swimmers or beginners in snorkeling?

Yes, Pigeon Island is generally suitable for non-swimmers and beginners in snorkeling. The shallow waters near the shore provide a great opportunity for those new to snorkeling to enjoy the experience.
